
Sunday, March 18, 2012

Working on a 4-Patch Posey quilt

I've had this blue variegated fabric for some time and wanted to do something with it, but could not figure out what color to use. I had the pink fabric so decided to see how it would look with it. I was so please with that combination, it worked so well. Brightens up the whole quilt, I think.
The other day I measure the fabric and found I had enough to made the 4-patch posey. For these block I needed tostackh the fabric in four layers and get it line up so all the prints would match down throughh the stack. When I cut the squares from the stacked fabric I get four pieces exactly alike. Once these are sewn together, the prints with make a kaleidescope look.Eachc block will have adesignn in them.

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